Did you know?
Business Email Compromise (BEC) is one of the most common threats today. It employs tactics like impersonating an executive, HR, or a trusted vendor to initiate fraudulent transfers of money. According to the FBI, $1.77 billion was lost to BEC in 2019 alone. A total of 23,775 BEC complaints were filed, which is on average $75,000 per incident.
Here are tips from the FBI to stay secure:
• Be Skeptical
Last-minute changes in wiring instructions or recipient account information must be verified.
• Don’t Click It
Verify any changes and information via the contact on file—do not contact the vendor through the number provided in the email.
• Doublecheck That URL
Ensure the URL in the email is associated with the business it claims to be from.
• Spelling Counts
Be alert to misspelled hyperlinks in the actual domain name.
• It’s a Match
Verify the email address used to send emails, especially when using a mobile or handheld device, by ensuring the sender’s email address appears to match who it’s coming from.
• Pay Attention
Often there are clues with Business Email Compromise:
- An employee who does not normally interact with the CEO receives an urgent request from them.
- You see data that shows an employee is in one location at 1:00 PM, but halfway around the globe 10 minutes later.
- You see activity from an employee who is supposed to be on leave.
• And, As Always, if You See Something, Say Something
If something looks awry, report it to your Managed Service Provider (MSP) or a supervisor. And if you have been a victim of BEC, file a detailed complaint with www.ic3.gov.
By: Michael Davies, IT Mindshare
Vice President of Operations