Impersonation Nation

Impersonation Nation

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is not a new term. BEC scams have been growing in popularity for some time now. If you’re not familiar with BEC, it’s when a fraudulent email is sent to a company or individual, and the email appears to be from a legitimate business...
How to Prevent a Business Email Compromise Attack

How to Prevent a Business Email Compromise Attack

Did you know? Business Email Compromise (BEC) is one of the most common threats today. It employs tactics like impersonating an executive, HR, or a trusted vendor to initiate fraudulent transfers of money. According to the FBI, $1.77 billion was lost to BEC in 2019...
Antivirus Is Only As Good As You Are

Antivirus Is Only As Good As You Are

Antivirus Is Only As Good As You Are 10/08/2020 By: Jeremy Harris, IT Mindshare CEO Unless you live under a rock, or even if you do live under a rock, you should have heard about antivirus software at this point and you should have a basic understanding of its...
IT Software Packages Suck

IT Software Packages Suck

10/02/2020 By: Jeremy Harris, IT Mindshare CEO What’s the deal with all of these IT software packages now? Literally every IT/MSP company has some sort of pre-packaged software that they sell and put on an endpoint for clients. It makes perfect sense in theory, the IT...
How to Identify a Phishing Email or Website

How to Identify a Phishing Email or Website

The odds are good that you deal with a lot of emails each and every day. Some are obviously spam or junk mail, while some are obviously important or relevant. But oftentimes we open up an email and we’re just not sure. These questionable emails may contain a tone of...
IT Mindshare